- Media and Women
- Emancipation
- Media Education and Literacy
- Media and Development
- Role of Information and Communication in bringing marginalized to the mainstream
- Cinema and Social Transformation
- Awareness purpose of media during Contemporary Times
- Infodemic about the Pandemic
- Fake News and Propaganda
- Emergence on cartoons to Critique and Comment
- The New RTI and the Journalists
- Censorship on Content and Freedom of Speech
- Psycho-Social implications of Content on OTT
- Trends in the Music Industry: Bringing back the Old
- Media and Protests for Social Justice
- Women in Media
- Gender representation in Media
- Representation of Sexuality in Media
- Media and Communication
- Media Community and Pandemic
- Health Information and Communication
- Political Development and Role of Information and Communication
- Animation and News
- Agenda Setting Role of Media
- Technological Innovation in Media
- Paid News, Fake News and Impact of PR on News Coverage
- Role of Media During Pandemic
- Communication for Women Empowerment
- Communication through Cinema
- News Sensationalisation and Media
- The “Glocal” Social Media
- Transmedia Storytelling
Alternative Negotiations
- Communication for Negotiations
- Presence of Multiple Interests in the arena of Communication
- User Generated Content
- Social Media and representation of the otherised.
- Community Transformation through Artificial Intelligence
- Citizen Journalism
- OTT Platforms and Creative Freedom
- Alternate Negotiations and Community Development
- Alternate Negotiations in the News Papers and Print Media
- Alternate Negotiations in Digital Media
- This is not an exhaustive list of sub themes. The scholars/researchers may choose sub themes relevant to the main theme/objectives of the conference